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Certified Consultant

(443) 528-3040

My Story

 When i joined the scentsy family i did it-- "just because".  I had just sold my house/relocted and with much time on my hands.  Little did i know it would have ignited such excitment from within.  It really did bring that "childlike wonder" Heidi speaks about and my first goal was to succeed.  I'm an addict now.  I can't have enough scentsy and my family alike :)). It felt like having a new baby all over again.  I get to nurture something i chose to bring into my life and on my daily endevors I continue to enjoy and appreciate every moment.  I am always looking for people to join my team and i can assure you that you will have the same feling of pride and accomplishment that i did!!        

What's warming in my home